How to Move Files and Folders

To transfer files from one folder to another, there are two options: using our File Manager or using an SFTP client. We cover everything related to file management using SFTP in this article, so we won't repeat it here.

To move files using the File Manager in the Control Panel, you should first go to File Manager, located in the Control Panel. Then, select the file(s) you want to move. Once you've selected all the files, three options will appear at the bottom of the screen: Move, Archive, and Delete. The option we're interested in is Move. Select it.

A pop-up will appear, asking you for the directory (folder) where you want to transfer the file(s) to.

It's essential to specify the relative path to the current folder where the file is located. For example, if there's a folder named worlds created in the server's main directory (home/container/), and the file you want to move is inside that folder, and you want to move it to the server's main directory, you should indicate that you want to move it to "../". The two dots and the forward slash mean that you're going one folder back, similar to clicking the left arrow in the Windows or Mac file explorer.

Another example could be that, continuing from the previous scenario, there's another folder named worlds_2 in the main directory, which, in turn, has another folder inside called lista_de_mundos. In this case, you want to move the file from the worlds folder to the lista_de_mundos folder. Knowing that the respective paths of the folders are home/container/worlds and home/container/worlds_2/lista_de_mundos/, what you should indicate in the pop-up is "../worlds_2/lista_de_mundos".

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