My Server Does Not Start
We recommend using this program first to conduct a review of your server and check for the most common issues that might be causing the problem.
Structure of this Article
We will separate the sections based on server software (Paper, Forge, Vanilla Bedrock, Mohist, etc.), and we will also cover general causes that can occur in any software in the General section.
Accept the Eula
This cause is one of the most basic ones we will address in this article. Many times, it happens that the client unintentionally does not accept the EULA, and as a result, the server does not fully load. The way to accept the EULA in our Control Panel varies depending on the server software we are using. In some cases, a pop-up like this will appear:
For other server software, you may need to modify a configuration file manually to accept the EULA. It's essential to ensure that the EULA is accepted to allow the server to start and load properly.
In some other software, you will have to attempt to start the server for the first time (spoiler: it won't start), then go to the file manager (Files) and edit the eula.txt file. You will need to change the value of the variable "eula" from false to true and then save the file. Now, you can go back to the console section and try to start the server again.
Unable to Find a server.jar
If you encounter an error message mentioning any of the following texts:
Error: Unable to access jarfile server.jar
Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile server.jar
This section might help you get your server to start.
RetlyHosting requires a file named server.jar to initiate the server. Without this file, it is impossible to start it. Based on this statement, there could be two cases:
1. There is a file with a .jar extension inside the server directory, but it is not named exactly server.jar. In this case, the solution is to rename the file to server.jar.
2. There is no file with a .jar extension. This might happen because the software installer encountered an error during installation and couldn't install it. There are several solutions for this case, and it's recommended to apply them in the following order:
If you have folders and files within your server, the first step will be to create a backup within the Control Panel. Check out this tutorial to learn how to do it. Next, delete all the files and folders inside the server. The final step is to go to Settings (bottom-left), click on Reinstall, wait for the reinstallation to complete, and then head to the console section to press the start button.
If the error persists, you will need to install the server manually. Go to the website of the software you are using (for example, Paper, Forge, or Mohist), choose the downloadable file of the version you want to install, and upload it to your server. We recommend using SFTP to upload the file (here's a tutorial on how to do it). Remember to rename the file to server.jar. Then, go to the console section and start the server.
Crashes are due to mods/plugins
Sometimes, the reason why the server fails to start completely is simply due to an error caused by a mod or plugin. This error may be triggered by a dependency on another mod that is not present on the server. How can you identify if this is the case? It's straightforward. Keep an eye on the console. If everything loads fine at the beginning (no errors or quick shutdowns), but later you see text in red or with the word error, it indicates that some mod or plugin is causing the crash.
To be more certain, we can read the error or red text, as it might sometimes display the name of the plugin or mod that is causing the issue. This could be due to incompatibility with another mod, improper removal of data from a mod that was deleted, and so on.
If it's not easy to identify which plugin or mod is causing the error, you will need to remove all plugins/mods (with the server turned off) and gradually upload them one by one. Try starting the server each time you add a few plugins/mods to check if the one causing the error is among them.
Forge, Mohist & Magma
Error: Unable to access jarfile server.jar on Forge
It is possible that you may have entered the incorrect version or used the wrong format in the Startup section of the Control Panel. In the field named Forge Version, you should enter the desired version with the following format: MINECRAFTVERSION-BUILDFORGE.
For example: 1.18.2-40.1.80.
Once you have done this, create a backup (here's an explanation on how to do it), delete all the files in the Files section, go to Settings, and reinstall the server by clicking the Reinstall button. Wait a few seconds for the server to finish reinstalling. Then, go to the Console section to access the console and press the start button for the server. It should work now!
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If you have a Java Minecraft server, click here.
If you have a Minecraft Bedrock server, click here.
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