How to Add /login to your Server
A very important aspect of our Minecraft server is security, and the first step to ensure it is to add a registration and login system.
Why do I Need /login in My Server?
As you may know, there are Minecraft Cracked clients, which allow you to give yourself the name you want. This can cause problems if someone uses your username and enters your server.
As you will see below, in the Intermediate section, when you associate a rank to a person what you do is associate a rank to the username. If someone manages to enter your server and you have the rank of administrator, with all the permissions, that external person will be able to do whatever he/she wants, including destroying everything.
On the other hand, if there is a login system, that person will not be able to execute any command unless he/she knows the password.
How to Add the Log In System
There are many plugins that allow you to add this system, some have more features or different features than others. A plugin that allows you to add this system and that is simple to use is LoginSecurity. You only need to upload it to the plugins folder, restart the server and you have the system working.
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